
We started making collections because we believe we can raise the frequency of the planet towards greater love with the Native American style flute. When we bridge these instruments with leaders, healers, and visionaries, we amplify our shared mission of liberation and freedom for all.


Our first ever collection of Native American style flutes, the Lemurian Frequency Collection, supported us in coming back to our Ancient Selves. Together, we are remembering who we are in the midst of a modern, fast-paced world. These Native American style flutes are tethers to our souls, keeping us grounded in our bodies, allowing us to channel Spirit whenever we play them. This collection was so impactful, it aligned for us to have our ceremony call shortly after the Lahaina fires and we blessed the aina of Hawaii with our collective sounds.

Our First Collection

Dragon Keepers

The second Native American style flute collection Naked Earth Created called in the ancient spirits of the dragons. In the Dragon Keeper Collection, Elliot and Rakaiel embarked on a quest to spread the medicine of opening our hearts wider and leaping into the unknown. These flutes helped us connect with our Dragon Spirits and lean into liberation, the feeling of the wind on our backs as we jump deeper into our purpose and remember who we are meant to be. Once the Dragons flew to their Flute Keepers, we started receiving visions of a Rose flute collection, one that honored the Rose Petalled Path.

Our Second collection

Rose Keepers

In the Rose Keeper Flute Collection, Elliot Redwood worked with Marya Stark to channel the mysteries and poetry of the feminine embodiment into a musical and tangible form. The Rose Keeper Flute Collection is designed to imbue the sacredness of the five gates of initiation a womb bearer moves through in the Rose Petalled Path. The five roses that are present on the flute represent Birth, Moon Maiden, Mother, Sage, and Death. At each gateway, we have inlaid womb stones that will support us in connecting to the energies of our inner feminine and the moon. Each of the 23 flutes links us to one another, an unforgettable container that connects the Rose Petalled Path to our hearts forever. 

Our Third collection

Interested in collaborating?

If you feel called to collaborate with us to create a collection of flutes, please fill out the form and let us know more about yourself!