Frequently Asked Questions

Find some clarity below by reading through our frequently asked questions to help guide you through the process of purchasing your Native American style flute handmade by Elliot Redwood.

  • What key should I get for my first flute?

    The best keys for beginners would be small to mid range keys. If you have particularly smaller hands go towards the higher keys of A or B. If you have average size hands or you have experience with instruments you can easily play a mid range key of G or F#. If you have smaller hands, you can still play a midrange keyed flute however it may not come to you so easily.

  • Why does my flute sound squeaky?

    Flutes sound squeaky when the finger holes are not covered completely so make sure you are holding down the holes firmly. If this does not work, it is also possible your totem is not in the right place. Check to make sure the bottom edge of your totem is aligned with the edge of the sound hole on the flute.

  • Why does my flute sound airy?

    Usually this is because your totem is pushed too far back, as said in the previous question, make sure the bottom edge of your totem is aligned with the edge of the sound hole on the flute.

  • What is the difference between a single flute and a drone flute?

    A single flute is your classic Native American style flute where you’ll have one strong voice playing your songs. A drone flute is two flutes built side by side where one side plays like a single flute and the other just plays the base note to create a harmony effect. It creates more of a vibrational field when playing that can be felt by all who hears it.

  • Can I play a drone if I'm a beginner?

    Yes! If you have the patience and drive to learn to play, you can certainly play a drone. It is less skill with your hands and more to do with your breath. Since it does take more breath to play two flutes at one time. However it is a joy to play drone flutes and we are confident that even someone who has never played an instrument can play one.

  • What key should I pick?

    There are a few ways to pick a key for your flute.

    One way would be to pick a key matching the chakra you’d like to work with. Ex: C = root / D = Sacral / E = Solar Plexus / F = Heart / G = Throat / A = 3rd Eye / B = Crown.  Another way to pick a key would be to choose a flute for your hand size. Smaller hands can play the keys of A, B and maybe G & F fairly easily. Larger hands can play the lower keys of F, E, D and Bass C. You may also pick your desired key by hearing and feeling into various flute's songs and trusting that the key you're drawn to is for you.

  • What's the difference between 432 and 440 hz?

    Almost all music today is played in 440hz which was changed from the original 432hz tuning in the 1940’s. 440hz is considered “concert tuning” which can be played with most classic instruments like guitar, piano, etc. 432hz tuning is a slightly lower register that is very common with sound healing instruments like singing bowls, hand pans, and chimes. It is closer to ancient tunings that represents the natural cycles of the universe. It also has a more relaxing effect on the mind and body. All of our flutes are tuned to 432hz unless otherwise requested.

  • I've never played an instrument before. Can I play a flute?

    Absolutely! It is an incredibly simple, intuitive and heartfelt instrument. Once you learn the scale, finger placements and breath control, everything else comes from the heart. With every flute purchase we include a free 30 minute beginner flute class to get you started to playing confidently. We believe in you!

  • Didn't find what you're looking for?

    Please email and we'll be happy to help.