About Us

Naked Earth is dedicated to empowering visionaries, leaders, and healers to open their hearts by making the mystical tangible.

Our History

The past brings the future.

Naked Earth came to life through Elliot in 2018 when he began making Native American style flutes. Elliot has been classical relief carving in wood since he was 15. After picking up his first flute at 18, he decided he wanted to try his hand at making one himself to blend his love of woodworking and music. After making a few, friends and family came out of the woodworks asking to purchase one. Once Elliot saw that his Native American style flutes were valuable, he quit his job, invested his savings into upgrading his power tools and purchased his LLC in 2019. Now, five years later, we are a humble team of artistic visionaries collaborating with musical leaders internationally to fill the world with potent and beautiful art. 

What Sets Us Apart

Holistic Experience

We include guided meditation to create the flute designs and infuse our Native American style flutes with Reiki.

Hand-carved details

We incorporate classical hand-carved details into each Native American style flute while a lot of other flute makers use laser engraving.


We collaborate with musicians worldwide to make a one time, small batch collection of uniquely designed Native American style flutes.

Queer-owned Business

We are a queer and indigenous business with a trans/two spirit founder. We are proud to walk this path as well as owning our own business!


Elliot Redwood

Founder / Lead Creative

Elliot Redwood is a bold, wise, decisive and precise two spirit visionary, who relentlessly follows his heart and intuition to create a brighter world. He grew up in a rough city in Pennsylvania, constantly battling scarcity, queerness and violence.

Art was his safe place. From a young age he was always creating art with the support of his mother. She would always take him to art stores to try a new form of art from painting, drawing, engraving, wood burning, knitting and even soldering. He was always nurtured to follow his passions and dreams. As he got older and struggled with fitting in at school and finding his place, he looked towards art for a safe space of freedom and expression. One day, his mom was wood carving a simple sign and he asked to learn how to wood carve as well.

From this moment on, he never looked back. He found the art form that clicked. He immediately started learning a variety of techniques and quickly surpassed what his mom taught him. He started out making carvings of animals, flowers and favorite band logos. He did this until he was 18, and moved to Miami after being told he couldn’t make something of himself with his art. However, he never gave up and always had a desk where he lived and wood carved whether in his room, garage or even at one point outside when he lived in a shed.

In 2017, he found himself immersed at a nonprofit called New Beginnings TLC where he took care of trans and nonbinary folks who recently underwent gender confirmation surgery. He worked here for 3 years focusing on his personal transition from female to male and meeting people from all around the world. He learned the importance of bringing people together through art, beauty and joy. After the center closed, he returned to his path of woodworking by making flutes and never looked back.

In 2019, he bought all the tools he needed and opened Naked Earth Art LLC. Today, he continues to live by his values of connection, creation and innovation bringing the best he can to other sensitive souls who also believe in this vision of reconnecting to our sacred Earth. 

Our Team

Alyna Rose

Social Media Manager & Communications

Alyna Rose is an incredible visionary, being able to see the gears and steps to get from A to Z. She specializes in communication and has a passion for authenticity and direction. Alyna’s love for music married with her personal passion for expression amplifies Naked Earth’s voice and mission. With a background in graphic design and psychology, she is a perfect fit in keeping Naked Earth aligned, healthy and growing.

Jasmine Solaris

Shop Apprentice

Jasmine Solaris is a creative visionary with a passion for music, fire dancing, writing, and wire weaving. Her artistic journey is based in using authentic self expression as a form of healing, self care, and connecting with a higher power. As an artist at heart, Jasmine brings precision, fire and electricity to our team. Her driven, attentive presence in the shop deeply contributes to the sacredness of the creative process.

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