Custom Flutes

Custom flutes are currently closed. Our next custom offering will open October 1, 2024. We open customs 2 times per year with only 5 openings each time. In this sacred process, our Art Visionary and Flutemaker, Elliot Redwood, will work with your energy and intention to create a custom flute that will last a lifetime. This process is perfect for those with a gift and message to give the world who would like to have it in a tangible form to pray with. Please note that this process can take up 3 months from beginning to end. To begin this process, please submit your deposit and answer the questionnaire.

The Process of Creating Custom Flutes

Thank you for embarking on this journey to co-create a sacred instrument made just for you to help you serve your purpose. Please note that we only make flutes in the Pentatonic scale.

  1. Feel into your heart which instrument will best support you. Then, fill out the the form to provide Naked Earth with answers to co-create your custom flute. Please be as descriptive as you can. Then, pay for your flute in full. Payment plans are available at checkout.

  2. We will respond within 1-2 weeks with 1 digital design custom made for you based on the answers you provided in the form. We offer 1 revision to the design. We will apply the revision and resend it to you within 1-2 weeks. If you would like to make additional revisions, there will be $50 charge. Once this step is complete, no other changes may be made.

  3. Once the design is solidified, we will create your flute. During this period, we will remain in devotion and focus on making sure your instrument will aid you in your purpose and align to your energy.

  4. When your flute is complete, it will be cleansed, blessed and prayed with prior to mailing it to you.

We're excited to create a flute that is one of a kind, made just for you! We look forward to hearing about how you integrate this powerful tool into your daily life.

Please note that we do not offer refunds or exchanges on any part of this process. Thank you for trusting us with this journey.

Selecting A Flute

The best keys for beginners would be small to mid range keys. If you have particularly smaller hands go towards the higher keys of A or B. If you have average size hands or you have experience with instruments you can easily play a mid range key of G or F#. If you have smaller hands, you can still play a midrange key however it may not come to you so easily.

A single flute is your classic Native American Style flute where there is one strong voice playing your songs. A drone flute is two flutes built side by side where one side plays like a melody like a single flute and the other just plays the base note, or drone, to create a harmony effect. It creates a vibrational field when playing that can be felt by all who hear it.

Please see FAQ for any other questions.